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Swift & BAE Joint Report: a case study

Episode 2 highlights some of the details of the case study from the joint report on the evolving cyber threat to the banking industry

Swift testifies before European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

By invitation, Blanche Petre, General Counsel Swift, today testified before the EU Parliament's LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee), together with EU Commissioner Malmström and the Director of Europol Rob Wainwright.

Swift tests instant cross-border gpi payments in Asia Pacific

Together with banks from Australia, China, Singapore and Thailand Swift will test real-time cross-border payments using the New Payments Platform

New Service Descriptions for Swift Support Services from January 2019

Swift brings to market a refreshed portfolio of support and care services helping customers to maintain their Swift environments. The new services include Swift Community Support as well as Advanced Support and Care Services.

Caribbean Association of Banks endorses Swift’s KYC Registry

Swift's KYC Registry gains momentum amongst Caribbean banks.

Swift India appoints Kiran Shetty as CEO

Appointment further strengthens leadership following the go live of the Swift India domestic financial messaging platform

Swift joins Linux Foundation Distributed Ledger Initiative

"Swift is delighted to support this industry-wide effort to advance distributed ledger technology," said Craig Young, Swift's Chief Technology Officer. "Cooperation and collaboration - hallmarks of the Swift cooperative - will be key to ensuring the scalability and adoption of this technology."

HSBC chooses Swift to connect to Target2-Securities

Swift’s reliability, long-term commitment and competitive pricing rank high amongst HSBC’s selection criteria

Swift launches Sanctions Screening

BRUSSELS, 16 April 2012 -Today, Swift announced the launch of Sanctions Screening, a centralised service for small- and medium-sized financial institutions in need of a cost-effective, easy route to compliance with sanctions regulations.

Swift rolls out gpi tracker for all as usage soars

Building on the success of gpi, Swift continues to enhance the service, and is introducing the ‘tracker for all’, making a standard version of the tracker available to all Swift customers.