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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

An optional SwiftNet facility that enables customers to control the access of end users and applications to service functions. The service administrator defines the available user access profiles (roles) for use with RBAC. After provisioning, the security officer within an institution can grant roles to end users and applications.

Related links
SwiftNet PKI Certificate Administration Guide

MI Channel

Market infrastructure services require extra processing capacity and resilience. Our MI Channel delivers high-speed performance and advanced data recovery features

Interface and Integration document centre

Resource center
On this page you will find all the documents available on this topic.

System Care

Benefit from Swift’s expertise to reach operational excellence on your Swift environment.

Swift for Low Value Payments Systems / ACHs

Low Value Payments Systems (LVPS) clear millions of retail payments for national or regional communities. They need to offer efficient clearing, netting and settlement services to their participants, balancing cost, process efficiency and risk mitigation. They need to meet increasing demands for interoperability with other retail payment platforms. Swift supports more than 25 LVPS providing a standardised, reliable and scalable messaging platform.

Swift in action - Our Corporate Social Responsibility engagement

Swift in action – Our Corporate Social Responsibility engagement



Swift Translation Rules Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy

Swift Translation Rules Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy

Common Global Implementation

Bringing together community expertise on corporate-to-bank implementation topics

RMB Tracker

What does the internationalisation of the RMB mean for your business? Follow the developing story with our monthly market updates

ESES via SwiftNet

Leverage your Swift Infrastructure to connect to ESES