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service administrator destination

A valid Swift eight-character BIC that Swift assigns to the service administrator. The service administrator destination is used in digital signatures. The service administrator destination can be the same as the primary server destination.

service administrator related participant (SARP)

A Swift user that belongs to the same financial institution as the service administrator. To be considered as part of the same financial institution, Swift must register the service administrator related participant and the service administrator as belonging to the same group of customers for traffic aggregation purposes.

Inside Innovation Live | Connecting blockchains: Overcoming fragmentation in tokenised assets

Watch the 9th Inside Innovation Live with your host, Nick Kerigan and Anurag Soin, Director of Digital Asset Services, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ).

How can you prepare for SRD II?

Interview with SRD II expert, Charles Boniver discussing the implications of the directive on the financial services industry and explaining how Swift can help our community to meet the requirements.

Inside Innovation - Customer conversation: Overcoming the innovation challenge

Steven Wager, Head of Direct Markets, BNY Mellon - Daragh Morrissey, Director- Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft WW Financial services - Matthew Loos, Head of Corporate Development Strategy and Market Intelligence, Swift

Five questions to ask yourself about your DFS readiness

Five questions to ask yourself about your DFS readiness. New requirements from the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) provide opportunity to strengthen sanctions quality assurance and testing programmes.

Swift at Sibos 2022: Tackling the root of securities settlement fails

In this session, we’ll look at why some transactions fail to settle on time, the rising costs and risks associated with this, and hear first-hand from key securities players about a new service that will address the issue once and for all.

Swift Smart is widening access and cutting the cost of training

In November, we launched Swift Smart, a cloud-based, inter-active, on-line learning service. This platform offers our community a cost effective, convenient solution enabling staff training anytime, anywhere and from any device.

Systems testing and annual certification: driving business benefits

This info paper outlines implications of new DFS certification requirements, the potential for banks to develop ongoing review programmes that enhance processes and create business efficiencies, and how Sanctions Testing and other Swift services can help

Inside Innovation - Applying AI to Swift’s unique global transaction data - The perfect blend?

Tom Zschach, Chief Innovation Officer, Swift - Kelly Switt, Global Sr Director, Financial Services Strategy, Ecosystem & Strategic Partnerships, Red Hat - Gene Reznik, General Manager, Industries and Alliances,

Alliance Connect Bronze Guide (SRX)

This guide describes the essential tasks that must be performed to connect the Juniper SRX345 VPN boxes to the SwiftNet Link host and the contracted IP network service. This document is intended for those who are responsible for installing and configuring the Alliance Connect VPN boxes.

Alliance Connect Bronze Guide (SSG)

This guide describes the essential tasks that must be performed to connect the Juniper SSG VPN box to the SwiftNet Link host and the contracted IP network service. This document is intended for those who are responsible for installing and configuring the Alliance Connect SSG VPN boxes.