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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

An optional SwiftNet facility that enables customers to control the access of end users and applications to service functions. The service administrator defines the available user access profiles (roles) for use with RBAC. After provisioning, the security officer within an institution can grant roles to end users and applications.

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SwiftNet PKI Certificate Administration Guide

Test your knowledge as an expert Alliance Access Administrator


How to create a new SSL certificate in Alliance Access

Learn how to create a new self-signed SSL certificate in Alliance Access.The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

How to run saa_supportinfo using the Alliance Access Monitoring GUI

Learn how to run saa_supportinfo using the Monitoring GUI.The Run Support Info page enables you to gather configuration and logging information collected with saa_supportinfo. The information is written to a file which you can send to Swift Support to investigate problems.The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

Alliance Security Officer - Professional

Understand the tasks Alliance Security Officers perform on Alliance Access. Estimated duration: 04:00Pre testTest your Understanding of the Tasks Alliance Security Officers perform on Alliance AccessPerforming tasks on Alliance AccessAlliance Security Officers: Best Practices and RecommendationsAlliance Web Platform SE: IntroductionAlliance Access/Entry Message Management GUIAlliance Access/Entry Relationship Management Application GUIAlliance Access/Entry Configuration GUIAlliance Access

Alliance Access/Entry Install and Configure Standards MX deployment packages and the ASP File

Discover how to prepare the system to use the latest standards for InterAct message services, and the latest parameters for InterAct and FileAct services. Disclaimer: The version used on this course may be different from your current version. However, The actions shown in the course have remained unchanged and therefore are still valid.

Alliance Access/Entry Message and File Search and Reporting: Advanced Options and Troubleshooting

Discover how to locate specific messages and files based on search criteria on the system.Disclaimer: The version used on this course may be different from your current version. However, The actions shown in the course have remained unchanged and therefore are still valid.

How to migrate templates in Alliance Access/Entry to new FIN Message Standards

Learan how to migrate existing templates to new FIN Message Standards.The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

How to interpret your traffic invoice - MT messages

Learn how the different MT messages are invoiced by SwiftPrerequisites: You must have access to "Billing Information" in your account to be able to access and download invoices

How to interpret traffic invoice - System messages

Learn how the different System messages are invoiced by SwiftPrerequisites: You must have access to "Billing Information" in your account to be able to access and download invoices

How to interpret your annual Swift invoice

Learn how the various Swift products are annually invoicedPrerequisites: You must have access to "Billing Information" in your account to be able to access and download invoices