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… de lutte contre la criminalité financière fourni par Swift.  La recommandation 16 du Groupe d'action financière … ces données de l’expéditeur. Avec les données dont dispose Swift, c’est le seul qui pouvait préparer un outil de cette … crime risks. Pinpoints unusual behaviour and... Read more Swift Services Services Leverage Swift's expertise, enabling …

Three tips to protect your institution from cyber attacks

Learn how you can protect your institution from cyber attacks and how to fight sophisticated and organised cyber criminals.

MyStandards 3.0 - Great feedback from the community!

Last year, we launched a global customer consultation to gather feedback from our community on MyStandards 3.0. We are very happy to announce that more than 25 institutions provided us with a lot of insights and ideas. Moreover, our users were almost unanimous regarding the must-have and nice-to-have features for the platform.

Innovation Essentials: In Conversation with Sebastien Nunes

Watch this series examining top tips from leading innovators in the financial industry on how to make innovation a success. This week: Interview with Sebastien Nunes, BNP Paribas

Use case 3 - Simplify regulatory reporting

… and beneficiaries. In the case of Indonesia, analysis of Swift traffic shows that over the course of 2022, more than …

Expert Consultancy

… han instalado el completo producto Sanctions Testing de Swift en muchas de las entidades financieras más grandes del …

Sanctions List Distribution

… Search Home Search Home Search Sanctions List Distribution Swift’s Sanctions List Distribution saves you the work of … SwiftのSanctions List Distributionは機関に … Manage your sanctions list updates more efficiently with Swift’s sanctions lists and management offering Download Last …

Innovation Essentials: In Conversation with Angus Scott

Watch this series examining top tips from leading innovators in the financial industry on how to make innovation a success. This week: Interview with Angus Scott, Euroclear.


Frequently asked questions about CGI-MP

Innovation Essentials: In Conversation with Genevieve Douhet

Watch this series examining top tips from leading innovators in the financial industry on how to make innovation a success. This week: Interview with Genevieve Douhet, Société Générale.