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What market infrastructures cannot afford to miss at Sibos next month

What market infrastructures cannot afford to miss at Sibos next month

Market Infrastructures,
26 September 2017 | 3 min read

Discover Swift for Market Infrastructures at Sibos

On day one, don’t miss The innovation enabler: What ISO 20022 can do for market infrastructures and their users (Monday 16 October, 15.30-16.30, Standards Forum-Sessions). Moderated by BankServ Africa CEO Chris Hamilton, who as CEO of APCA in Australia was one of the architects of what is now the most advanced payments platform in the world, the session will explore how ISO 20022 makes possible what could not be done before.

The security-minded will be tempted by the contemporaneous session led by Marc Bayle, former head of the T2S project, and now head of market infrastructures at the European Central Bank (ECB). In How to manage a cyber-security crisis: what market infrastructures can learn from each other (Monday 16 October, 15.30-16.30, conference room 1), Bayle will be exploring why it makes sense for FMIs to pool their cyber-security knowledge.

Marc Bayle will be sharing his insights on day two as well. Christian Sarafidis, Chief Marketing Officer at Swift will introduce Marc and Lieve Mostrey, CEO of Euroclear Group (Tuesday 17 October, 09.30-10.30, conference room 2). Marc and Lieve’s conversation promises to be wide-ranging. Topics up for discussion include harmonisation of regulation and market practices, the impact of FinTech, the cyber-security threat and the likely evolution of market infrastructures.

One evolutionary development already impacting market infrastructures is instant payments. These are becoming the norm, but remain domestic. On day two, in Complementary or competitive? The role of payments market infrastructures and correspondent banks in instant international payments (Tuesday 17 October, 14.00-15.00, conference room 3). Lisa  Lansdowne-Higgins, Vice President Card Operations at RBC will ask her panellists when they expect instant payments to become possible across borders.

Any FMI embarking on an instant payment project should follow that session with a visit to Instant Payments over Swift (Tuesday 17 October, 16.30-17.15, Swift Auditorium), where Diane Nolan, who heads the capital markets consulting practice at Accenture, will lead a discussion on how the Australian and European banking industries are making use of Swift technology to offer instant payments.

That session follows Instant payments over Swift with Alliance Messaging Hub, (Tuesday 17 October, 15.00-15.30, SwiftLab), the first of two Lab demos on new software from Swift, designed to facilitate the transition of market infrastructures to instant payments. If you miss it, not to worry. The same session (Instant payments over Swift with Alliance Messaging Hub) is repeated the next day (Wednesday 18 October, 13.15-13.45, SwiftLab).

The final day opens with a breakfast for FMIs. At MI breakfast – ISO 20022 adoption and harmonisation (Thursday 19 October, 08.00-09.30, Standards Forum – Sessions), Stephen Lindsay, head of standards at Swift, and Christian Sarafidis, Chief Marketing Officer at Swift, will lead a discussion on what FMIs implementing the ISO 20022 standard can learn from peers which have made the transition already.

The breakfast is followed immediately by a review of a geopolitical environment which has the potential to obstruct the increase in the flow of money and assets across borders, at just the time when digital technologies and messaging standards are making such flows cheaper, easier and less risky. Rebecca Harding, CEO of Equant Analytics, will lead the discussion at The retreat from globalisation: threats and opportunities for financial market infrastructures (Thursday 19 October, 09.30-10.30, conference room 3).

We look forward to seeing you at Sibos!
