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Bringing frictionless payments to all

Bringing frictionless payments to all

17 July 2019 | 1 min read

A truly modern payments system is one that is open and ubiquitous, and that enables the flow of money to everyone, everywhere. Golnaz Amininejad, Swift GPI product manager, explains how the Swift community is delivering exactly that.

Fundamental to our vision for the future of cross-border payments is openness and ubiquity. These two facets are key to unlocking the seamless flow of value across-borders from any account to any account, anywhere in the world, and with the same immediacy and convenience as domestic payments.

Bringing seamless payments to all
1 min view

Bringing seamless payments to all

The more widely adopted the convention for moving value, the easier the circulation of that value is – and the more the convention will be used.

With gpi, Swift and its community are delivering the new norm.

By 2020, thousands of banks connected to Swift will be using gpi, enabling smooth, safe, secure and friction-free value transfers.

With full participation, all 11,000 users across more than 200 jurisdictions, and all their end customers – will benefit from the scale, reach and sophistication of the revolutionised cross-border payments system.

Find out more in our Future of payments paper.
