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Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff

The Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff enables managers to validate and benchmark their employees' skills, and help in the recruiting process. Swift certified experts demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and experience by correctly completing product and service-specific exams. The programme is built on transparency, integrity, recognition, and validity.

The Programme is reserved to staff of financial institutions. Swift Partners and service bureaux are not eligible to the Programme.

Related links
Swift certification: take your learning to the next level

Start your testing journey

[Multiple sessions available] Ensure readiness for ISO 20022 for CBPR+

ISO 20022 adoption: 18 months until the end of CBPR+ coexistence: what are the next steps?

Latest developments around the CBPR+ adoption.

Get your RMA ready for November 2022

[Multiple sessions available] Ensure readiness for ISO 20022 for CBPR+

Global webinar for Complementors

A free to view, monthly, one-hour webinar on industry topics that will impact our Complementor community.

Instant treasury for an instant world

Find out how real-time account information can make life simpler for corporate treasurers.

Alliance Lite2 ISO 20022 Readiness Testing Workshop

1.5 hour [Multiple sessions available] Ensure readiness for ISO 20022 for CBPR+

ISO 20022 testing: ensuring readiness for 2023

1 hour - [Multiple sessions available] Ensure readiness for ISO 20022 for CBPR+

Meet the Expert: Alliance Access/Entry

[Multiple sessions available] Ensure readiness for ISO 20022 for payments

Meet the Expert: Your testing journey to Nov 2022

[Multiple sessions available] Ensure readiness for ISO 20022 for payments