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Experts gather to discuss cybersecurity and innovation in Toronto

The Swift Business Forum Canada 2017

Australian banks to deliver enhanced cross-border payments experience to their customers

Business and technical innovation provides a new world for customers

Swift adds new real-time delivery channel for payments reference data

New SwiftRef APIs provide an automated data look-up service that identifies and validates BICs, LEIs, IBANs, settlement instructions and national bank codes against the latest data in real time.

Improved data management could release £17bn of regulatory capital across the banking sector

Brussels, 30 April 2012 - Improved data management could enable banks to release £17bn ($27bn) of regulatory capital and improve profitability, according to Deloitte, the business advisory firm, and Swift, the financial messaging provider.

Through the Startup Challenge, Innotribe provides the Swift community with valuable insights into fintech innovation

The financial crisis has impacted the way we do business and the rapid evolution of technology is having a significant impact on both bank’s offerings and on customer’s expectations.

Top FinTech executives to address the future of financial services at Swift’s Business Forum London event

A broad spectrum of speakers will debate practical topics around disruption, technology and regulation - particularly as it impacts the UK market

Egypt’s recent economic reforms top the agenda at the Swift Business Forum Egypt

Latest Swift traffic data released at the event shows that growth in Egypt outperformed growth of Swift globally in 2016

Build the future

1,200 people join the Swift Business Forum London to shape the future of financial services

Advanced Functional Enrichment for AMH is delivered by Release 3.4

A number of features and enhancements are delivered in the March 2016 release that further elevates the performance of AMH, providing additional benefits for customers across the community.

Modus operandi of a cyber-attack

Cybercrime is big business. Take a look at the steps taken by fraudsters to perpetrate a cyber attack.