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Local Registration Application (LRA)

The application that the security officer uses to register an organisation's users and manage an organisation's certificate.

From Geneva to Toronto

Swift at Sibos brought together three senior Swift executives to review Sibos 2016 and look ahead to next year’s event in Toronto

Retirez le filtrage des transactions de votre liste de préoccupations

Alors que les exigences en matière de sanctions deviennent de plus en plus complexes, il est difficile d'être sûr que vos systèmes sont toujours à jour et entièrement conformes. Nous avons développé Sanctions Screening pour répondre au besoin d'une solution de filtrage des transactions simple, complète et performante qui soit également économique. Voici comment retirer le filtrage des transactions de votre liste de préoccupations.

CICI Utility sets strong foundation and prepares for continued growth in 2013

New York, NY - January 30, 2013 - The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and Swift announced today that their global legal entity identifier (LEI) solution has progressed at a robust pace since its August, 2012 launch with more than 47,000 entities from 125 countries registered in the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Interim Compliant Identifier (CICI) database.


… video Overview Programme Partners June 11 Programme 08:00 Registration and breakfast - 09:00 Welcome and introduction ↓ …

Swift GPI Tracker Portlet Proof of Concept

Terms and Conditions to the Tracker Portlet

Poland: Embracing innovation and change in banking

The Swift Business Forum Warsaw took place at the Hotel Bristol on 29 May 2019 and brought together more than 180 senior members of the Polish financial industry.

New Swift and BCG report says securities industry ripe for APIs

Joint report finds growing momentum for API technology

Swift publishes new paper on the European payments landscape

As financial institutions prepare for new European payments architecture, Swift highlights the milestones for action and sets out how it is supporting the industry through the changes.

Swift to bring benefits of gpi to DLT and trade ecosystems

Initial proof of concept to connect gpi with blockchain enterprise software firm R3

The five ways to confirm payments

We have a number of automated and manual tools to help you easily and quickly provide payment confirmations.