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SwiftNet Certification Authority (CA)

A Swift central system that produces and publishes digital certificate.

Swift for Corporates Advisor with Certification Exam

This training is aimed at staff who wants to get an overview of the Swift business solutions banks can offer to their corporate customers with regards to the various messaging services available, different service models used and available connectivity options for a corporate to connect to Swift. The training also includes a certification exam named “Swift for Corporates Client Advisor Course content Different corporate access models to Swift (SCORE, MA-CUG and TRCO) Swift standards and…

How to update a self-signed certificate for Alliance Web Platform

Learn how to generate and update a new self-signed certificate for Alliance Web Platform.The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

Skills Certification - Service bureau Connectivity specialist - exam information

This document explains the framework of the Swift Service Bureau Specialists Connectivity exam

Skills Certification - Service bureau On-Boarding specialist - exam information

This document explains the framework of the Swift Service Bureau Specialists On-Boarding exam

How to upgrade your current SwiftNet Link to version 7.4 (Unix / Linux environment)

Learn how to upgrade your current SwiftNet Link to version 7.4.Prerequisites: If you intend to perform the installation using a non-root user account, see the Preparation for Non-root Installation in the installation guide.

Swift launches gpi certification programme for global payment applications

Core payment application vendors support Swift GPI

Swift Certified Expert - RMA Portal Administrator

Certification from Swift - The ultimate validation of skills

How to access SwiftNet Online Operations Manager from Alliance Web Platform

Learn how to access SwiftNet Online Operations Manager (O2M) from Alliance Web Platform.The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

How to setup Certificates Report in Online Operations Manager O2M

Learn how to setup Certificates Report in Online Operations Manager (O2M).The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

Transaction filtering, systems testing and annual certification: driving business benefits

Swift paper outlines implications of new DFS regulation, and the potential for banks to develop ongoing review programmes that enhance processes and create business efficiencies