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SwiftNet Certification Authority (CA)

A Swift central system that produces and publishes digital certificate.

Leveraging international standards to unify emerging financial technologies

New paper discusses the value of ISO 20022 standards in the evolving FinTech landscape

Business Identifier Code (BIC)

BIC (Business Identifier Code) is an international standard for routing business transactions and identifying business parties.

Swift survey finds only 39% of banks confirm payments in real-time

Industry agrees that collaboration is necessary to meet the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's intraday liquidity monitoring rules.

Sanctions Testing

Independent quality assurance for your sanctions filters

Universal payment confirmations for application providers

Tracking and confirming payments in real time is fundamental in the world of modern commerce, and requires the buy-in of banks along the payment.

Swift announces management change

Brussels - 13 June 2014 - Mike Fish, Chief Information Officer and Head of Information Technology and Operations, has made the decision to retire after 15 years at Swift.

Enfin. Un emplacement pour partager et accéder aux données de connaissance du client.

KYC Registry fournit un emplacement sécurisé où vous pouvez stocker vos informations de connaissance du client et accéder aux données dont vous avez besoin sur vos correspondants. Plus d'envoi et de réception de demandes multiples des mêmes informations. Vous pouvez maintenant vous fier à des données de haute qualité et validées dans un standard convenu, provenant d'une source unique.

Re-assessing the risks

Serving low-risk clients in high-risk markets is made harder by financial crime compliance obligations, but not impossible

Down to the very last detail

SEPA: The importance of high quality reference data

The Chinese road to platform disruption

How China’s FinTech players will change how the world thinks about banking