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Dries Watteyne speaks at Kasperky’s Security Analyst Summit

Dries Watteyne speaks at Kasperky’s Security Analyst Summit

Cyber Security,
4 April 2017 | 2 min read

Annual conference draws together experts from diverse fields to collaborate on fight against cyber crime

Kasperky’s Security Analyst Summit 2017

Dries Watteyne,Swift's head of Customer Security Intelligence, was invited to speak at the annual Kaspersky Security Analyst Summit (SAS), an annual forum for debate on ways to share information and improve collaboration in the fight against cyber-crime. The two-day event brought together anti-malware researchers and global law enforcement agencies as well as senior executives from financial services, technology companies, academia and government agencies.

Dries joined a panel with participants from BAE Systems and Kaspersky Lab that looked in depth at the attack on Bangladesh Bank, how and why the attack happened. Speaking on Monday 3rd April, Dries described the attack on Bangladesh Bank as a “watershed event for Swift and the global financial industry” and explained how it had “triggered a clear call to action to the industry to further strengthen its cyber defences”.  His presentation focused on the lengths to which the attackers went to hide all evidence of the fraudulent transactions, deleting messages from the bank’s local database, modifying local statement messages – and, to ensure this was not detected, altering the local built-in integrity verification mechanisms.

Adrian Nish and Sergei Shevchenko from BAE systems then looked at how the attackers have evolved their approach since the Bangladesh event, and how and where they are operating now. Vitaly Kamluk from Kasperksy Lab then presented information on the attackers identities and illustrated the connections that have tied the perpetrators with other recent high profile cyber-attacks.

Other topics on the Security Analyst Summit agenda include critical infrastructure protection, cross-border law-enforcement coordination and information sharing, and vulnerability discovery and responsible disclosure.
