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Innotribe announces the winners of the 2015 Startup Challenge Showcase in New York

Hyper, SizeUp, Token, Payfirma and Pendo Systems advance to Innotribe Startup Challenge Finale at Sibos in Singapore.

New Payment Pre-validation service eliminates frictions in international payments

The new service enables real-time payment validation to reduce errors, exceptions and costs caused by wrong or missing beneficiary information, and supports our strategy for instant and frictionless transactions.

Industry engagement and the future of payment vs payment settlement

Policy makers are paying closer attention to settlement risk – but an increasing share of FX transactions are settled without payment-versus-payment (PvP) protection.

Rabobank uses Compliance Analytics and Payments Data Quality to support compliance and drive operational excellence

Data analytics underpin KYC and Sanctions compliance and payments efficiency

Using past data to predict future errors

Learn how we’re using past transaction data to spot and fix errors before a payment is even sent. All thanks to the latest feature in our Payment Pre-validation offering – central beneficiary account verification.

Universal Confirmations: Answers to your key questions

With the deadline to confirm payments approaching, here’s what you should know to get prepared.

New milestones for ECB T2-T2S consolidation project and the European instant payments initiative

In July 2020, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that the project timeline to consolidate TARGET2 (T2) and TARGET2-Securities (T2S) would be extended by one year following discussions with the European financial community.

Unlocking fast, transparent and trackable payments in the capital markets

Find out how you could cut post-trade costs

Financial crime poses significant challenges for securities market participants

Securities industry leaders collaborate to help ease financial crime compliance concerns for cross-border securities accounts

Payments digitisation powers ahead

The trend towards digitisation in the payments world was supercharged in the past year as the pandemic saw customers reach for digital solutions in far greater numbers than ever before. For financial institutions in Africa, it is vital to stay on top of this demand.