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SwiftNet Certification Authority (CA)

A Swift central system that produces and publishes digital certificate.

Statement on data protection review

Belgium, 13 November 2013

Swift CEO addresses EU parliament

Swift CEO Lázaro Campos told EU Parliamentarians today, "whatever the outcome of the current discussions about the use of data for counter-terrorism purposes, what we must not jeopardize are the protections which exist today for citizens' data, the certainty of the legal framework within which companies operate and the commercial level playing field." Mr Campos was also keen to emphasise that the debate is not about Swift, but about how Europe plans to cooperate with the US for counter…

Using new data techniques in financial crime compliance, Swift’s Tony Wicks talks to

Artificial intelligence and machine-learning can help crunch data more efficiently

Iran sanctions agreement

Brussels, 14 July 2015

Update and Q&A to Swift’s 23 June 2006 statement on compliance

Compliance with subpoenas is legal, limited, targeted, protected, audited and overseen

Preparing for ISO 20022: Ensuring interoperability

To help you prepare for the move to ISO20022, we are taking a number of initiatives to facilitate interoperability between MT and ISO 20022 messages during the coexistence period.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch joins Swift’s JASDEC Early Adopter Programme

Sibos, Dubai, 16 September 2013 – Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries and territories, today announced at Sibos that Bank of America Merrill Lynch has joined its Early Adopter Programme for the Japan Securities Depository Centre (JASDEC), the country’s central securities depository.

Swift testifies before European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

By invitation, Blanche Petre, General Counsel Swift, today testified before the EU Parliament's LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee), together with EU Commissioner Malmström and the Director of Europol Rob Wainwright.

Iran Sanctions Agreement – Update

27 October 2015

Swift advisory on fighting illegal financial activities

Swift advisory