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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

An optional SwiftNet facility that enables customers to control the access of end users and applications to service functions. The service administrator defines the available user access profiles (roles) for use with RBAC. After provisioning, the security officer within an institution can grant roles to end users and applications.

Related links
SwiftNet PKI Certificate Administration Guide

Payment Controls - Associate

Take this curriculum to understand the basics of Payment Controls, how to access it and discover how this service can be beneficial to your company. Estimated duration: 01:00Contact us: Swift Smart AdministratorPayment Controls AssociateIntroduction to Payment ControlsPayment Controls: Administrator RolesPayment Controls - Introduction to Rules

Payment Controls - Professional

This curriculum gives a deeper explanation on how to use and configure the different rules of Payment Controls to protect your payment operations against fraudulent attacks. Estimated duration: 01:30Contact us: Swift Smart AdministratorPayment Controls - ProfessionalPayment Controls Rules - Single Payment RulePayment Controls Rules - Amount Aggregation RulePayment Controls Rules - Message Count RulePayment Controls Rules - New Scenario RulePayment Controls Rules - Business Calendar RulePayment…

Introduction to Payment Controls

Get an overview of the Payment Controls service and how to access it. It introduces the different rules, the alerting and the reporting functionality and the user roles featured in the service.Learning objectives:Recall what is the reason for having Payment Controls.Name one way Payment Controls can help customers.Name one benefit of Payment ControlsRecall what is Payment Controls.Name at least 3 main features of Payment Controls.Name at least two tasks that can be performed through the…

Introduction to Swift Web Access

Follow this introductory course to understand what Swift Web Access is, what Swift Identity Services are, and what certificate types that can be used for Swift Web Access.Note:The Swift Web Access is required for accessing the following Swift Essentials products and services: GPI (Universal Confirmation), Transaction Screening (TSS), Payment Control service (PCS) and Securities View.

Manage Alliance Access and Entry

Get the most out of your Alliance Access system with this hands-on course. Learn how to use the features and functionalities of Alliance Access, such as the monitoring tool to supervise and control the different Alliance Access elements, and ensure a smoothly running messaging interface. During this course, the hands-on exercises will be performed on Alliance Access. Course content Updates: installation of patches, message syntax tables and BIC files User Management and Security Parameters:…

How to stop and start the CRnet component from within Alliance Access

This video is part of a series for CREST. It shows how to stop and start the CRnet component from within Alliance Access.PrerequisitesURL access to the Alliance Access Configuration applicationAlliance Access Licensed for CRESTOperator profile with CRnet control rights

Swift Customer Security Controls Framework: 1. Restrict Internet Access and Protect Critical Systems from General IT Environment v2024

Prepare yourself to comply with the five mandatory controls supporting this security principle.

Swift Customer Security Controls Framework: 1. Restrict Internet Access and Protect Critical Systems from General IT Environment v2023

Prepare yourself to comply with the five mandatory controls supporting this security principle.

Alliance Access Administrator - Professional

Understand the functionalities of the 4 GUIs of Alliance Access and how to manage daily administration tasks. Estimated duration: 06:30Contact us: Swift Smart AdministratorPre testTest your Knowledge of the Alliance Access GUIsUnderstand the Alliance Access GUIsAlliance Access/Entry Configuration GUIAlliance Access/Entry Message Management GUIAlliance Access/Entry Monitoring GUIAlliance Access/Entry Relationship Management Application GUIManage daily administration tasksAlliance Access/Entry…

How to manage rulesets in Payment Controls

This video will explain how to create and manage rulesets in Payment Controls service, as well as how to create and manage rules and related alert workflow settings.Please follow the curriculum Payment Controls - Professional to understand each rule type in detail.