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right security officer (RSO)

A role that carries joint responsibility with a left security officer for the configuration and the management of the security functions within Alliance.

Security Officer Guide

Customer Security Programme - Customer Refresher v2023

This webcast is a recording of the latest version of the customers refresher webinars that ran in March and April 2023. The webcast will be covering CSP in general, CSCF, IAF and KYC-SA key elements for the CSCF v2023.

Alliance Cloud Administrator - Associate

Get familiar with how Alliance Cloud being fully managed by Swift minimises the use of internal infrastructure and resources.Contact us: Swift Smart Administrator Swift Messaging ServicesIntroduction to Alliance CloudMessaging ServicesRMA ServiceSoftware SolutionsConnectivity and SecurityConnectivity and SecuritySwift Security ProfilesAlliance Cloud User InterfaceToken Management for Alliance Cloud Security Officers and End UsersHow to activate your personal tokenHow to change your…

KYC-SA Role Families explained

Discover the general concept of the various roles in the KYC Security Attestation (KYC-SA) application.It is recommended to watch this video before you start working with the KYC-SA.More detailed steps:There are two user types:Administrators (Swift recommends min. 2 per institution or BIC)Business Users:SubmitterApproverRequesterViewerGranterSecurity Officer

How to stop and start the CRnet component from within Alliance Access

This video is part of a series for CREST. It shows how to stop and start the CRnet component from within Alliance Access.PrerequisitesURL access to the Alliance Access Configuration applicationAlliance Access Licensed for CRESTOperator profile with CRnet control rights

Online PKI Management with O2M Administering Certificates part 1: Theory

Explore what SwiftNet security officers must administer for their certificates using O2M.Learning objectives:Recall the purpose of the Local Registration Authority (LRA)Recall at least four security requests that can be made using the LRAList the three types of certificate that can be managed using O2MRecall at least three classes of user certificateRecall at least three differences between human and application passwordsRecall the purpose of the four keys associated with a certificate

Alliance Access/Entry: Manage Operators

Discover the operator access management and its best practices in Alliance Access/Entry. It allows you to practise the key operator management tasks on the Alliance Access/Entry Configuration GUI.Disclaimer: This module is Release 7.4 compliant (some images in this module use earlier releases of the software). Learning objectives:Recall the three authorisation security principlesIdentify the two profiles that have full rights to define operators in Alliance Access/EntryRecall at least 3…

Compliance, Back to the Future

Understand the main business areas related to compliance and get insights into the day to day issues compliance officers tackle. Go back to the basics to address the needs of the future.

How does a Watch Administrator set up user restrictions

This video is part of a series for Swift Watch.This video shows how a Watch Administrator sets up end-user restrictions.The video explains that by default the user is 'unrestricted' and it includes the creation of a white list and a black list.Prerequisites:The actions shown in this video require Watch Administrator rights, as defined on

Instruction, Status and Confirmation with ISO 15022 (incl. MT 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548)

Learn how to send a Securities Settlement Instruction, discover how to interpret a Securities Settlement Transaction Status Advice and Confirmation

Online Operations Manager PKI Management: Working with RBAC

Explore how SwiftNet security officers manage the permissions of users and the delegation of responsibilites using O2M.Disclaimer: This course is intended for Alliance Access but Online PKI management for RBAC roles is identical in Alliance Lite2.Learning objectives:Demonstrate assigning the FIN RBAC to an entityDemonstrate Role GrantDemonstrate Role CopyRecall the purpose of RBACRecall the difference between the value-added services RBAC and CUGRecall who defines roles for a service