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Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff

The Swift Customer Certification Programme for Staff enables managers to validate and benchmark their employees' skills, and help in the recruiting process. Swift certified experts demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and experience by correctly completing product and service-specific exams. The programme is built on transparency, integrity, recognition, and validity.

The Programme is reserved to staff of financial institutions. Swift Partners and service bureaux are not eligible to the Programme.

Related links
Swift certification: take your learning to the next level

Innovation Essentials: In Conversation with Robert Palatnick

Watch this series examining top tips from leading innovators in the financial industry on how to make innovation a success. This week: Interview with Robert Palatnick, DTCC.

Innovation Essentials: In Conversation with Genevieve Douhet

Watch this series examining top tips from leading innovators in the financial industry on how to make innovation a success. This week: Interview with Genevieve Douhet, Société Générale.

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Sanctions Testing

Sanctions Testingについてもっともよくある質問への回答をご覧ください当社の有用なファクトシートをダウンロードすることもできます貴社の具体的なニーズについてSwiftのアドバイザーに相談を求めてください

Sanctions List Distributionについてよくある質問

Swiftの Sanctions List Distributionは通常もっとも使われる公的制裁リストの調査、更新、フォーマット作業の労働を削減します単にXMLのフォーマットした認証リストをダウンロードするだけでー当社が更新していつでも使えるようにします

Modus operandi of a cyber-attack

Cybercrime is big business. Take a look at the steps taken by fraudsters to perpetrate a cyber attack.

Innovation Essentials: In Conversation with Scarlett Sieber

Watch this series examining top tips from leading innovators in the financial industry on how to make innovation a success. This week: Interview with Scarlett Sieber, BBVA.


貴社の取引、顧客およびPEPフィルターは規制当局が要求する最新の条件を満たし貴社のリスク管理規則と許容度に合致していなければなりませんこれらは効率的で貴社の顧客サービス上の必要条件を達成できなければなりませんSanctions Testing は独立したテストと保証を自動的に提供するために顧客と共同して開発されました

Bank readiness (per bank)

… (per bank) Bank Readiness Portal Find banks that offer the Swift messaging standards, technologies and expertise you …