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Big picture: The future of payments in an evolving digital landscape

Tim Masela, South African Reserve Bank (SARB) in conversation with Denis Kruger, Swift

Customer insights: The future of payments in an evolving digital landscape

Insights from Tony McLaughlin, Citi; Gayathri Vasudev, J.P. Morgan; Russ Waterhouse, TCH and Ignacio Blanco, Swift

Industry insights: The future of payments in an evolving digital landscape

Mahmoud Fawzy, CIB, Egypt; Faisal Hijjawi, Buna & Sido Bestani, Swift explore the future of payments in the region

Dassault Systèmes - Introducing the Potential of Personal Digital Identity

Case study - Dassault Systèmes’ drive to standardize and streamline how its payments are released globally led its wholly owned subsidiary Dassault Systèmes Americas Corp. (DSAC) to pioneer the introduction of 3SKey in the U.S.

New Aite report: Sibos 2014 Deliberations on the Digital Age

This report rounds up the key discussion topics from the event and evaluates how some of these reflect Swift's five-year strategic program, which is entering its last year in 2015.

Banking 2015: Is digital even more of a priority than regulation?

Go to any financial services event these days and there is a very good chance that “financial innovation” has found its way onto the programme or even bagged the keynote spot.

Sibos session - How do we solve the ‘identity crisis’ in a digital world?

A panel, moderated by Stephania Palma, discusses whether service providers can be trusted to provide convenience AND identity security? Does the answer lie in Cloud solutions? Standards? Will the market resolve itself and provide interoperability between public and private sector approaches?

Connecting digital islands: Swift CBDC sandbox project - Phase 1

Results report - March 2023

The API economy and digital transformation in financial services: Open banking

Institution(s): Warwick Business School

Panorama global: El futuro de los pagos durante la evolución digital

Patricio Melo Guerrero, Banco Davivienda - Fabiola Marina Herrera de Valdez, Banco Central de la República Dominicana - Ignacio Blanco, Swift