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Overview of the Independent Assessment Framework

Watch this brief overview for a summary of key considerations and timings in planning an assessment.

FileAct Copy Factsheet

This factsheet explains the service and outlines the key features & benefits

ISO 20022 Migration and Interoperability Considerations v2

Overview of ISO 20022 Payments Migration, Key Timelines and Considerations

Trade for Corporates factsheet

This factsheet explains the service and outlines the key features and benefits of Trade for Corporates solution

How big is your KYC data?

Access to high quality, standardised data is key to keeping on top of your KYC requirements.

Trade Services Utility factsheet

This factsheet explains the service and outlines the key features and benefits of Trade Services Utility solution

BIC to LEI Relationship File

[Monthly update] Enabling market participants to link and cross-reference the two key entity identifiers.

Quick starter guide

Download our Quick Starter Guide for more information about the onboarding process and key milestones

Sibos session - How do we solve the ‘identity crisis’ in a digital world?

A panel, moderated by Stephania Palma, discusses whether service providers can be trusted to provide convenience AND identity security? Does the answer lie in Cloud solutions? Standards? Will the market resolve itself and provide interoperability between public and private sector approaches?

Bank Readiness Certification Programme factsheet

This factsheet explains the service and outlines the key features & benefits of Bank Readiness Certification Programme