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Token Management for Alliance Cloud Security Officers and End Users

Explore personal tokens and how to activate them in the Swift Certificate Centre.Learning objectives:Describe personal tokenDescribe how to use and manage your personal tokenName the benefits of using a personal tokenName Best practicesGuided simulation: how to activate your personal token in the Certificate Centre

How does a Watch Administrator set up user restrictions

This video is part of a series for Swift Watch.This video shows how a Watch Administrator sets up end-user restrictions.The video explains that by default the user is 'unrestricted' and it includes the creation of a white list and a black list.Prerequisites:The actions shown in this video require Watch Administrator rights, as defined on

KYC-SA Role Families explained

Discover the general concept of the various roles in the KYC Security Attestation (KYC-SA) application.It is recommended to watch this video before you start working with the KYC-SA.More detailed steps:There are two user types:Administrators (Swift recommends min. 2 per institution or BIC)Business Users:SubmitterApproverRequesterViewerGranterSecurity Officer

Work with Trade Finance Messages - Documentary Collections and Bank Guarantees - Professional

Become fluent with documentary collections and bank guarantees. Estimated duration: 01:45Contact us: Swift Smart AdministratorPre testTest your Knowledge of Documentary CollectionsDocumentary CollectionsDocumentary CollectionsCollections with MTsBank GuaranteesBank GuaranteesGuarantees with FIN messagesPost testWork with Trade Finance Messages - Professional - Doc Collections curriculum evaluation

SwiftRef The Global Reference Data Utility

Do you know which SwiftRef products contain bank holidays information, IBAN accounts structure, or payments Standing Settlement Instructions (SSIs)?Do you precisely know how our customers can feed their payments messages with Swift's Reference Data?Watch this video to find the precise answers to your questions!

Alliance Web Platform SE: Introduction to the GUI Menus

Discover each of the application menus in the Administration GUI. Software version: Alliance Web Platform 7.4Learning objectives:Identify the correct menu for each of the following tasks:Obtain the URL for a GUICreate a custom GUICheck a GUI package is installedCollect and submit to Swift support logs and configurationUpdate how an event is logged Create a user

How to investigate NAK errors for FIN messages

Learn how to interpret and investigate NAK errors in Alliance Access that are generated when a FIN message is returned from the Swift network due to a validation error.The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

How does a Watch end user view accesses granted on Watch

This video is part of a series for Swift Watch.It shows how Watch end-users can view their Watch access.Prerequisites:A Watch User must be logged on to in order to be able to view the accesses granted.There is a 24 hour synchronization period between access granted by an administrator and actually being able to use those access rights on Watch.

Introduction to Hardware Security Module (Luna SA7)

Discover what are Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), why financial institutions need them, and how they work.Learning Objectives:Explain the role of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)Recall the different types of HSMsExplain how HSMs interact with other components of your Swift infrastructureGet familiar with concepts like HSM cluster and keyringKnow the basics of HSM management

Alliance Gateway Administrator - Associate

Follow this curriculum to understand the basics of Alliance Gateway and discover the various functionalities it offers. Estimated duration: 02:00Contact us: Swift Smart AdministratorPre TestTest your Knowledge of Alliance Gateway AdministrationAlliance Gateway AdministrationSoftware SolutionsAlliance Web Platform SE: IntroductionIntroduction to Alliance GatewayAlliance Gateway Administration GUIPost TestAlliance Gateway Administrator - Associate Curriculum Evaluation