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service administrator destination

A valid Swift eight-character BIC that Swift assigns to the service administrator. The service administrator destination is used in digital signatures. The service administrator destination can be the same as the primary server destination.

service administrator related participant (SARP)

A Swift user that belongs to the same financial institution as the service administrator. To be considered as part of the same financial institution, Swift must register the service administrator related participant and the service administrator as belonging to the same group of customers for traffic aggregation purposes.

Swift Essentials overview video

Learn about Swift Essentials in this video, covering how it can improve end-to-end processing and increase value for the entire Swift network; the component products and services in scope; and your new invoice, providing an entitlement to those products and services.

Swift Test Sparring Partner: How to execute a pre-validation test case (Data Consumer)

In this video, we will look at Pre-validation Data Consumer test case execution in the SWIFT Test Sparring Partner.Note:This video uses the Swift Payment Pre-validation service as an example. The concepts and principles are applicable to other Swift API services available here.

Alliance Web Platform SE: Introduction to the GUI Menus

Discover each of the application menus in the Administration GUI. Software version: Alliance Web Platform 7.4Learning objectives:Identify the correct menu for each of the following tasks:Obtain the URL for a GUICreate a custom GUICheck a GUI package is installedCollect and submit to Swift support logs and configurationUpdate how an event is logged Create a user

How does a Watch end user view accesses granted on Watch

This video is part of a series for Swift Watch.It shows how Watch end-users can view their Watch access.Prerequisites:A Watch User must be logged on to in order to be able to view the accesses granted.There is a 24 hour synchronization period between access granted by an administrator and actually being able to use those access rights on Watch.

How to configure my SNL TCP settings on Windows

Learn how to configure the SNL TCP settings on your Windows server, to ensure that you have optimal recovery time after a network failure.Prerequisites:In order to update settings using the Windows Registry Editor, you require a Windows account with administrator privileges.This task requires a reboot of the server, so ensure that this task is performed outside of operating hours.

Introduction to Swift for Corporates

Understand what Swift for Corporates is and how it can be used. Get an overview of the Swift products and services available for corporates.

Work with Messages in Alliance Cloud - Associate

Get familiar with how Alliance Cloud is fully managed by Swift and minimises the use of internal infrastructures and resources.Contact us: Swift Smart Administrator Messaging ServicesMessaging ServicesIntroduction to Standards MTIntroduction to Standards MXRMA ServiceStandardsSoftware SolutionsSoftware SolutionsIntroduction to Alliance CloudHandling MessagesAlliance Cloud: Manually Create MT MessagesAlliance Cloud: Manually create MX messagesAlliance Cloud: Message and File Search

Introduction to Case Resolution

Understand what Case Resolution is, its benefits, service features, and how it works. This course is also applicable for API users.

Customer Security Officer - Professional

Get familiar with the interface you use to manage the security aspects of the software. Learn security best practices on operator and token management. Estimated duration: 02:15Contact us: Swift Smart AdministratorPre testTest your knowledge as a professional Customer Security OfficerSwift PKI AdministrationIntroduction to PKI ManagementCustomer Administrators: Security Best Practices and RecommendationsCertificate ManagementIntroduction to Certificate Management in Alliance…

Alliance Access/Entry Install and Configure Standards MX deployment packages and the ASP File

Discover how to prepare the system to use the latest standards for InterAct message services, and the latest parameters for InterAct and FileAct services. Disclaimer: The version used on this course may be different from your current version. However, The actions shown in the course have remained unchanged and therefore are still valid.