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SwiftNet Registration Authority (RA)

A Swift-registered body that identifies and authenticates an institution and the initial users of the SwiftNet Public Key Infrastructure (for example, an institution's security officer).

Hardware Security Module (HSM)

Protecting your messaging operations, HSM devices store your SwiftNet PKI certificates and sign your Swift traffic securely

A new sterling money market data collection and the reform of SONIA

Regulatory authority: Bank of England

Building a Capital Markets Union - green paper

Regulatory authority: European Commission

Review of the Prospectus Directive 

Regulatory authority: European Commission

OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (EMIR)

Regulatory authority: European Commission

International drawdown authorisation

Swift'sinternational drawdown authorization.

Case Expert Group

We are pleased to invite you to join the Expert Group on the evolution of Case management. In order to confirm your participation, please provide us with the following registration details for your institution and the single point of contact for this project.

KDDI 与 Swift 携 手对其国际金融基 础设施进行全面改 革、整合及加速

SwiftNet 近乎实时地为全球电信巨头提供每个 海外银行账户的准确报告

Choosing the HSM type to suit your needs

Meeting your traffic volumes and resilience needs, three options are available to store the SwiftNet PKI certificates used to sign your Swift traffic: HSM tokens, HSM cards and HSM boxes.

Online PKI Management with O2M Administering Certificates part 1: Theory

Explore what SwiftNet security officers must administer for their certificates using O2M.Learning objectives:Recall the purpose of the Local Registration Authority (LRA)Recall at least four security requests that can be made using the LRAList the three types of certificate that can be managed using O2MRecall at least three classes of user certificateRecall at least three differences between human and application passwordsRecall the purpose of the four keys associated with a certificate