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SwiftNet Registration Authority (RA)

A Swift-registered body that identifies and authenticates an institution and the initial users of the SwiftNet Public Key Infrastructure (for example, an institution's security officer).

How does a SwiftNet Security Officer deregister an existing Security Officer

Learn how a SwiftNet Security Officer can deregister, or de-activate another existing Security Officer in Secure Channel.Prerequisites:You must be logged onto as a SwiftNet Security Officer.The Officer must have an active Secure Code Card.

CREST over SwiftNet

Using Swift to connect to CREST

How does a SwiftNet Security Officer revoke their Secure Code Card

Learn how a SwiftNet Security Officer can revoke, or cancel a Secure Code Card using Secure Channel.

Release 7.6

… Home Search Release 7.6 Release 7.6 support page SwiftNet 7.2 Release overview Overview Hardware reference Read the release policy update Alliance and SwiftNet Release 7.6 - Mandatory upgrade Alliance and SwiftNet Release 7.6 is a mandatory pre-requirement for using …

Practical information

Practical information and registration for Swift Premium Services Forum Europe 2019.

Practical information

Practical information and registration for Swift Operations Forum Europe 2019

First banks go live on TIPS using SwiftNet Instant

Swift announced today the successful implementation of its messaging service for TIPS - TARGET Instant Payment Settlement.

Sterling B2B Integrator SwiftNet MEFG Server (IBM)

Certified (Security Conformance) with completion of customer reference confirmation.

Sterling B2B Integrator SwiftNet MEFG Server (Precisely)

Compatible (FileAct RT) with completion of customer reference tests.

Sterling B2B Integrator SwiftNet MEFG Server (Precisely)

Compatible (FileAct SnF) with completion of customer reference tests.