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Certification Practice Statement (CPS)

The statement of certification practices that Swift has implemented in the SwiftNet Certification Authority, the SwiftNet Registration Authority, and the SwiftNet Directory.

Swift Certification and Compatibility programmes

Swift acknowledges specific business applications, messaging or connectivity interfaces, and technology specialists for their capability to serve Swift customers. The Swift certified or compatible relationship includes formal recognition of a component or individual's compliance with, and validation of certification or compatibility prerequisites, and are subsequently entitled to publication by Swift. Providers of Swift compatible application solutions receive a label to use in association with the compatible application. The programme covers the following categories: the Swift Compatible Application Programme, the Swift Certified Specialist Programme, and the Swift Compatible Interface Programme.

Related links
Swift Partner Programme (

Swift CSP Assessors Certification

The certification provided by Swift to an individual who meets the eligibility criteria and passes the theoretical Swift CSP Assessors Certification exam.

Related links
Swift CSP Assessor Certification Framework

How to check your personal certificate information and renew your token before it expires

Learn how to check your personal token certificate information and how to renew it before the expiry date.The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

Grow as a Partner

Ready to grow with Swift? Here you’ll find all the tools and certifications you need.

How to fix the certificate error in Internet Explorer when using Alliance Web Platform

Learn how to correct the SSL certificate configuration for Internet Explorer (IE) and Alliance Web Platform to avoid the red warning URL address bar.Disclaimer: The version used in this video may be different from your current version. However, the actions shown in the video have remained unchanged and are therefore still valid.

Five questions to ask yourself about your DFS certification readiness

New requirements from the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) provide an opportunity to strengthen sanctions quality assurance and testing programmes

Hardware Security Module (HSM)

Protecting your messaging operations, HSM devices store your SwiftNet PKI certificates and sign your Swift traffic securely

Choosing the HSM type to suit your needs

Meeting your traffic volumes and resilience needs, three options are available to store the SwiftNet PKI certificates used to sign your Swift traffic: HSM tokens, HSM cards and HSM boxes.


TRC IRELAND 2016 Tax return certificate, tax clearance certificate

Supply Chain Finance

Certification scenario's 2018

Deutsche Bank raises expertise in “Swift for Corporates”

Deutsche Bank continued its global training programme for "Swift for Corporates" in 2015, with certification achieved in five locations across three continents. More than 300 employees worldwide have now been certified.

Swift Certified Application Supply Chain Finance

Certification scenario’s 2017 - Version 1.0