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Swift at Sibos 2020: What to expect

Sibos is going digital, and so is our Swift at Sibos programme. The world’s premiere financial services event will continue to offer its top-notch stable of speakers and panels to keep the financial industry talking. And you’re invited.

Security guidelines

Information and guidelines for secure access to applications

Managing risk, achieving regulatory compliance

Treasury plays a key role in defending the organisation against fraud and cyber attack given the scale and sensitivity of the transactions and data it manages and responsibility for managing bank accounts. Secure bank connectivity and effective operational controls are essential lines of defense against fraudsters and cyber criminals. Stringent regulations to enforce sanctions, and prevent financing of terrorism and money laundering, are vital to a trusted financial system. However,…

Payments are all about the customer experience

Despite threats from new entrants armed with digital technologies, banks can remain relevant to payments markets, provided they act now to reinvent themselves

Book your place among the elite thinkers now

This year we’ll be looking for fresh ideas on the future of digital assets. So gather your team – prepare to challenge received wisdom and let your creativity soar! 

Swift Smart Introductory Video

Discover Swift Smart. The Swift Smart platform supports remote training with digital courses and social learning capabilities to encourage peer interaction across the Swift community.

BNP Paribas - Security and Standardisation with 3SKey

Case study - BNP Paribas has been enthusiastic in its support for Swift’s personal digital identity solution, 3SKey, since it was first launched in 2010.

The need for rich data in a shared ledger paradigm

The concept of a new, universal shared ledger for digital payments and assets is gaining interest as a way of transforming how transactions are recorded and settled. When combined with a messaging layer, a shared ledger could create a powerful proposition capable of supporting the rich, structured data exchange needed for transactions in regulated assets or money.

Deutsche Bank streamlines secure online authentication for corporate clients

Deutsche Bank's extends the use of Swift's 3SKey service.

Inside Innovation Live | Connecting blockchains: Overcoming fragmentation in tokenised assets

Watch the 9th Inside Innovation Live with your host, Nick Kerigan and Anurag Soin, Director of Digital Asset Services, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ).