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Swift India goes live

The community comes together to celebrate at the go-live ceremony

ASEAN Exchanges set a new precedent for capital markets integration

New research from the Swift Institute highlights the ongoing development and collaboration among the ASEAN Exchanges

Swift kicks off pilot for global payments innovation initiative

21 banks piloting Swift’s new initiative to improve cross-border payments

Closing the case on payment investigations

Even the best detectives need help to close a case: Sherlock Holmes had Dr. Watson, and Hercule Poirot had Mr. Hastings. But who, or what, can banks’ international payment investigation teams turn to when they need a hand?

Swift sees success with gpi instant cross-border payments trial

Swift successfully trials instant cross-border payments service using the New Payments Platform, together with banks in Australia, China, Thailand and Singapore.

Demystifying standards: Why they matter and what’s next

Open APIs and ISO 20022 migration to feature prominently in the Standards Forum at Sibos

Unlocking payment confirmations for all

The vast majority of payments on Swift are now confirmed.

The United Arab Emirates and Qatar drive RMB adoption in the Middle East

Swift’s RMB Tracker shows that the RMB is now the most active currency used by the UAE and Qatar for direct payments with China and Hong Kong

Swift GPI for banks

Transform your customers’ cross-border payment experience and reduce your costs.

Asia Pacific adopts MyStandards

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), the Japan Securities Depository Centre (JASDEC) and Standard Chartered Bank are the first in the Asia-Pacific region to embrace MyStandards