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Subscribe to Message Validation Setup Package

Use this e-form as pre-requisite to setup your central Message Validation feature (MVal) for your SwiftNet service. This step will help Swift identify the exact set of standard definitions required and package them into a machine-processable format which can be used by Swift' central systems.

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Ordering Checklist

  • Fill this form only if you act as administrator of a SwiftNet service and if you intend to use SwiftNet's central Message validation feature.
  • The order will help package all required standard definitions into a machine-processable format in order to enable Swift's central system to validate incoming messages exchanged in your SwiftNet service(s). You must specify all standard definitions needed across all live and test environment(s), even if you intend to introduce them at different times on each environment.
  • The definition of Message Validation Setup package may be subject to additional charges, depending on the type of standard definitions required. Consult the Price List for Swift Messaging and Solutions for more information.

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