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Implementing the BCBS intraday liquidity monitoring tools with Swift

Implementing the BCBS intraday liquidity monitoring tools with Swift

18 May 2015 | 2 min read

18 May 2015

In April 2013, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) published a set of quantitative monitoring tools for intraday liquidity management,  that require all internationally active banks to start reporting on seven key metrics between January 2015 and January 2017.

A recently published survey on banks-readiness conducted by Swift reveals that banks are consistently facing the same types of data gaps. Swift has been working with the community to develop solutions, both at community and individual level, to help resolve these issues. As a result, a pragmatic four-step approach has been defined.

Catherine Banneux, Senior Market Manager, Swift, says: “We can pragmatically support our members in resolving some key data management challenges, implementing their intraday liquidity monitoring dashboard and developing their regulatory reporting. The process always starts with an assessment of the bank’s liquidity and intraday reporting flows which enable to determine with the project team the required pragmatic step(s) to take to progress smoothly with the implementation.”

Real success at industry level requires current industry practices to change, leading to a more collaborative and standardised approach for intraday liquidity reporting. Swift has therefore been supporting the Liquidity Implementation Task Force in the development of an Intraday Liquidity Reporting rule book. The purpose of this rule book is to establish a common global market practice on the use of the Swift intraday reporting messages, including for the new date/time field made available within the message types MT 900/910 as from November 2015. This will help financial institutions in collecting the information requested by regulators in the different jurisdictions and to manage their liquidity on an intraday or real-time basis.

For more information, contact Catherine Banneux, Senior Market Manager, Swift or your Swift Account Manager.

Please note, Swift proposes training sessions on the BCBS monitoring tools and on its pragmatic implementation approach. Learn more about it here.

Intraday Liquidity Reporting – Survey findings
Implementing BCBS Intraday Liquidity Monitoring Tools
Related LinksIntraday liquidity reporting