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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

An optional SwiftNet facility that enables customers to control the access of end users and applications to service functions. The service administrator defines the available user access profiles (roles) for use with RBAC. After provisioning, the security officer within an institution can grant roles to end users and applications.

Related links
SwiftNet PKI Certificate Administration Guide

Track securities settlement transactions as you would a package

Inefficiencies in the securities settlement process can have serious knock-on effects throughout the transaction chain. Charifa El Otmani, Director of Capital Markets Strategy at Swift, discusses how this is impacting asset managers today, and how transaction tracking can help.

Putting the brake on securities settlement fails

Major improvements have been made to the securities services operating model over the last decade, but inefficiencies in the trade settlement process continue to be a recurrent challenge – and it requires a speedy resolution.

Platform for growth

Christian Sarafidis, Swift’s chief marketing officer, explains how Swift can help to reconcile competing challenges for the financial services community.

Smarter Securities: Transformation through collaboration

Shorter settlement timetables mean the securities services industry must shift from exchanging structured data messages to sharing transactional data. That requires an openness to collaboration. At Swift's recent Smarter Securities events, in Asia, Europe and North America, bankers, brokers and asset managers explained why and how collaboration needs to work.

Building a brighter payments future

Cross-border payments have already become quick and transparent, with far less friction preventing them from arriving at their destination on time – but there’s still room for improvement. We look at what a brighter payments future could look like, and how the financial community can build it together.

Three major banks in Indonesia join Swift GPI

Indonesia joins the world’s largest cross-border payments initiative

Innotribe Startup Challenge Finalists prepare for the Finale at Sibos Singapore

World banking experts will meet the most promising fintech companies selected during the 2015 Regional Showcases and vote for this year’s winner

Meeting the challenge of intraday liquidity reporting

Managing intraday liquidity reporting is becoming increasingly complex ‒ with banks facing a number of obstacles as they seek to comply with new regulation.

HSBC goes live on SGX NPTS using Swift

HSBC becomes the first bank to send FIXML and ISO20022 messages over their network

Swift launches new ‘Pay Later’ API standard, increasing payment choice for consumers

New standard will allow instant loan approval flow between banks and retailers