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Swift Innotribe partner with Next Bank LatAm in search for Latin America’s best fintech startup

BRUSSELS, 3 October 2013

Swift’s Innotribe Gives Start-ups Opportunity to Transform the Banking Sector

LONDON, 25 February 2013 - Small businesses and entrepreneurs with the potential to transform global financial services will have the chance to pitch their ideas to leading banks and investors, thanks to the London Innotribe Startup Challenge to be held at Level39, Canary Wharf on 18 April.

Swift GPI: The future of cross-border payments

One year on from Sibos in Singapore and the progress of the global payments innovation (gpi) initiative can now be measured in a series of concrete steps

Swift Hackathon 2023: Unleashing innovation for a sustainable future

We’re looking for the most forward-thinking teams in finance to show how innovation can be harnessed to advance ESG goals. Are you up for the challenge?

Swift finds security and transparency matter most for low-value cross-border payments

New global survey of consumers and small businesses identifies top factors they consider when picking a payment provider Hidden fees evoke a stronger negative reaction than a payment not arriving at all 81% of consumers and 87% of SMEs explore their bank’s offering first when making a cross-border payment

Swift’s cross-border payments processing speed surpasses G20 target

89% of cross-border payments are processed over Swift within an hour, placing its transaction speed ahead of the G20’s end-to-end target of 75% by 2027 Fast in-flight processing and greater transparency reflects strong focus on helping industry meet G20 targets with strategy focused on instant, frictionless end-to-end payments Latest data also highlights that the majority of international payments are direct or involve only one intermediary, and reveals issues industry must tackle to…

Fighting friction in securities post-trade – together

How far can we go in eliminating friction from post-trade settlement? In this third and final article in the series, Vikesh Patel, Swift’s Head of Securities Strategy explains why the answer to this question depends on fresh thinking and industry-wide collaboration.

Basel’s big balancing act

This news was first published on Dialogue Online.

Swift unveils industry’s first ever cross-border payments tracker

Corporate treasurers can now find out where a payment is at any given time

2016: A pivotal year for Blockchain

Visitors to the Swift Business Forum London 2016 would have been forgiven for experiencing a few Sibos 2015 déjà vu moments – standing room-only Blockchain sessions, “DLT” (distributed ledger technology) speaker references left, right and centre, and a flurry of #Blockchain sound bites punctuating the Twitter dialogue.