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Ahead in the cloud

Only by combining the best of internal and external capabilities can banks keep pace with customer demand in the digital age

Swift explores blockchain as part of its global payments innovation initiative

Proof of Concept launched to determine if distributed ledger technology could help banks reconcile their nostro databases in real time

Digital assets: The next frontier of finance

Digital assets could unlock a range of untapped opportunities in financial services and enable firms to deliver new value to their customers. But challenges persist that need to be resolved first.

Unlocking Success in Corporate Banking through Digital

Swift and the Boston Consulting Group issue a new report at the Swift India and South Asia Regional Conference 2019 in Mumbai

Swift answers the Paris Call for security in cyberspace

Whether as consumers, citizens, decision-makers or developers, we all use the internet – and we all must work together to protect cyberspace.

Beyond borders: Progressing towards the G20 targets for enhancing cross-border payments

Fragmentation is a major obstacle to optimising payment flows across the globe. Addressing it head on is essential to meet the G20’s targets for enhancing cross-border payments, explains Harry Newman, Head of Banking and Payments Strategy, Swift.

China’s new financial sector reforms: will they go far enough?

Swift Institute and Knowledge@Wharton thought leadership series continues with a focus on China

The time to boost innovation capabilities is now

KCIs help organisations to succeed in the 21st century.

The potential and pitfalls of central bank digital currencies

Much of the debate around Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has focused on their domestic impact, but they have the potential to transform the most fundamental building blocks of international economic activity by creating new opportunities for faster, cheaper and more secure cross-border payments

J.P. Morgan: Stop and recall service boosts efficiency and reduces risk

Find out how J.P. Morgan is leveraging Swift’s stop and recall service to streamline and automate the halting of fraudulent or erroneous payments.