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SEPA: The importance of high quality reference data

Financial industry agrees offshore RMB guidelines

Hong Kong, 13 February 2012 - As international use of the Chinese currency grew exponentially over the past eighteen months, financial institutions around the world identified important issues around efficient processing of payments, treasury and securities transactions using the renminbi (RMB). After initial discussions by groups of institutions in Hong Kong actively involved in settling offshore RMB across securities and transaction banking markets, the industry has now defined a new set of…

Terminate & deactivate

This section allows you to terminate your products or services.

[ebook] Fighting institutional cyber payments fraud in an evolving payments landscape

This e-book sets out the challenges financial institutions face in protecting themselves against payments fraud, the attack patterns and behaviour profiles we’ve identified through our security programmes, and the tools, practices and working culture institutions should employ to stay secure during times of change or uncertainty.

Confirmation Copy

Our new Confirmation Copy service will automatically copy your trade confirmation messages to a selected third party matching service

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SEPA: The importance of high quality reference data

Data Standards - BIC, IBAN, LEI

… for common data items including: The ISO 9362 Business Identifier Code (BIC)  ISO 13616 International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and ISO 10383 Market Identifier Code (MIC) We also play a role in formalising and … reference data standards including ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Business Identifier Code (BIC) Used for …

Swift awards advanced bank-readiness certificate to Shinhan Bank

Swift helps the Korean bank achieve the next level of bank-readiness

BIC-to-LEI Relationship file now available from Swift

The Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) and Swift to collaborate to provide open source BIC to LEI file

Alliance Web Platform SE: Introduction to the GUI Menus

Discover each of the application menus in the Administration GUI. Software version: Alliance Web Platform 7.4Learning objectives:Identify the correct menu for each of the following tasks:Obtain the URL for a GUICreate a custom GUICheck a GUI package is installedCollect and submit to Swift support logs and configurationUpdate how an event is logged Create a user