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Swift launches a charity engagement initiative at Sibos

Brussels, 29 July 2013

Portugal’s INTERBOLSA, in the forefront of European post-trade industry transformation, will use Swift’s Value Added Network to connect to T2S

Swift's reliability, long-term commitment and competitive pricing for T2S drive INTERBOLSA's choice.

Swift survey finds only 39% of banks confirm payments in real-time

Industry agrees that collaboration is necessary to meet the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's intraday liquidity monitoring rules.

Deutsche Bank Global Transaction Banking names Swift as preferred partner for Intraday Liquidity Reporting

Following analysis of available liquidity reporting platforms, Swift Scope has been highlighted as the ILR solution of choice for GTB at Deutsche Bank, a global service provider to other financial institutions.

Instant payments


Global corporates urge banks to use Swift GPI

Six global Swiss companies say Swift GPI addresses their pain points around speed, transparency, and tracking of cross-border payments

Innotribe selects 12 semi-finalists to compete in the African Startup Challenge

12 companies will compete in Mauritius on 18 May and get the chance to take their innovative solutions to the next level

Natixis Payments selects Swift for instant payments

Direct access to TIPS with SwiftNet Instant will offer Natixis Payments customers the ability to execute instant payments anywhere within the Single European Payments Area

Is technology the panacea for today’s cross-border payment frictions?

There’s no question technology plays a powerful role in enabling the movement of payments around the world. With access to a smartphone, individuals can purchase goods, pay bills, communicate with friends and family who are miles away, and more. Businesses can easily pay remote teams and partners and securely accept payments from virtually anywhere in the world. The efficiencies and problem-solving possibilities seem endless.

Nordea Bank goes live with Swift’s new Payments Data Quality service

Swedish financial services giant becomes first bank to use Swift’s service to support compliance with stricter wire transfer requirements