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MyStandards 3.0 - Great feedback from the community!

MyStandards 3.0 - Great feedback from the community!

14 February 2017 | 3 min read

Last year, we launched a global customer consultation to gather feedback from our community on MyStandards 3.0. We are very happy to announce that more than 25 institutions provided us with a lot of insights and ideas. Moreover, our users were almost unanimous regarding the must-have and nice-to-have features for the platform.

Online Usage Guideline Editor

The Online Usage Guideline Editor allow the publisher to create, change and update specifications online, in the browser browser, instead of using a local software.

The Online Usage Guideline editor will be rolled out in a phased approach. The first phase, available at the end of 2017, will enable you to edit existing Guidelines with simple restrictions. More advanced features will be gradually added to the online editor in future releases. The current Offline Editor will not disappear and will be maintained during the whole development of the Online UGE.

During the consultation, the main discussion point was around the concurrent edition. Customers mainly appreciated the idea of having a publisher able to edit one or more Usage Guideliess of a collection (instead of a whole collection in the Offline tool). Another important highlight was the addition of a review workflow. Spell-checking and formatting features were mentionned as nice to have features as well.

Role Governance

The objective of role governance feature track is to provide customers with more flexible roles and user management on the platform. In addition to the currently available default roles with pre-defined features, our customers will be able to create their own customized roles, with a flexible choice of features. The new governance model will address previously identified constraints in terms of matching the MyStandards roles set-up with customers’ internal compliance and security policies.

During the consultations customers shared their view on which roles they would like to create in the future, what level of detail they would like to see in the audit report and what should be the interaction between parent group and subgroups when it comes to roles governance. Overall, the proposed solution already solved their issues and the last details are being refined based on the feedback received.

Community Dashboards track

In this track we are looking at how MyStandards and the Readiness Portal can be leveraged to consolidate information regarding specific projects, such as a migration to ISO 20022. The initially proposed metrics include the lifecycle and usage of specifications (such as the date Usage Guidelines are shared, consumption analysis, i.e. who exports the UG and when) as well as statistics with regards to the testing activity for said specification on the Readiness Portal (number of active users, ratio of failed vs. successful tests, etc.).

In addition to this information, many users were interested in more advanced features metrics linked to the usage of the Readiness Portal, including alerts when a portal has been inactive, the possibility to notify users if they need to preform further testing, or alerts when a certain threshold of errors is reached.

The preferred way to view this information would be in a number of configurable dashboards, but most users agreed that in a first phase, excel files available for download would also be useful.
