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Subscribe to Alliance Gateway Instant (AGI)

Real-time transaction initiation, execution, and immediate feedback on payment status have become vital in modern business processes.

To address these needs, Instant Payments have emerged as a solution offering significant benefits to the industry, including notably 24/7/365 availability of payments; instant accessibility of funds; acceleration of business processes; improved working capital management; optimized supply chain operations; enhanced customer experience; …

In order to embrace all these opportunities, EBA CLEARING introduced, in November 2017, the instant payment system RT1, a real-time gross settlement payment system for the execution of SEPA Instant Credit Transfers (SCT Inst) at a pan-European level. Soon after, in November 2018, the Eurosystem delivered TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS), a market infrastructure service enabling payment service providers to offer instantaneous fund transfers to customers around the clock, every day of the year.

In parallel, Swift launched SwiftNet Instant, a real-time, low latency messaging platform available 24/7, facilitating secure exchange of Instant Payment flows between multiple Clearing and Settlement Mechanisms (CSMs), including TIPS and RT1.

The Alliance Gateway Instant (AGI) product has been specifically designed to connect with the SwiftNet Instant service and support Instant Payment messages.

AGI offers a highly resilient and 24/7 infrastructure, ensuring uninterrupted service, even during maintenance windows. Swift customers can leverage their existing connectivity and security infrastructure, including VPN boxes, leased lines, and hardware security modules (HSMs).

SwiftNet Instant and AGI form the cornerstone of the future evolution of Swift’s Instant Payments messaging and connectivity offering.

Place orders

Ordering checklist

  • You must be authorized to use the ordering application before you can begin the process.
  • You should proceed with the completion of all the mandatory fields, as indicated by an orange triangle, in the Alliance Gateway Instant (AGI) ordering e-form. Its submission will allow you to connect to the SwiftNet Instant service and instantly exchange payments throughout Swift.


Place orders

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