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We're here to help you connect

U2A-only Connectivity to ESMIG

The Eurosystem T2/T2S consolidation project requires participants to migrate to the new TARGET2 platform in November 2021. One aspect of the new system is the “Eurosystem Market Infrastructure Gateway” (ESMIG) which acts as a unified gateway to all Eurosystem services. Swift has been awarded the licence to offer connectivity services providing a full A2A & U2A access, as well as an U2A-only access via its ESMIG connectivity.

Swift’s ESMIG U2A offering

With the specific Swift solution for ESMIG U2A flows, ESMIG users will be able to securely browse over SwiftNet, using our multi-vendor secure IP network (MV-SIPN). Every user of the U2A channel will obtain a personal USB token containing a Swift PKI certificate to securely browse the U2A ESMIG portal of the Eurosystem for some or all TARGET Services, depending on pre-defined roles and access profiles.

Onboarding with Swift for ESMIG U2A-only customers

ESMIG participants that are new to Swift will go through a simplified onboarding process and will follow these 5 steps to become a Swift connected customer:

How can I apply?

Follow these steps to become a Swift customer for ESMIG U2A-only

Getting Started guide

Read our Getting Started guide and find more about the registration requirements and joining process to use Swift for ESMIG.

Download guide

Access your application

Use the tool to easily follow up on your registration application.

Onboarding tool

Optional support

The service is configured as an ‘off-the shelf’ service without the need to adapt your IT-infrastructure. Therefore, this service comes without any mandatory consulting service for the implementation of the U2A-only access.

However, a consulting package can be requested as an optional service to support the customers in any step of their implementation of the U2A-only connectivity to ESMIG: onboarding to Swift, service ordering, certificates and token activation, USB token driver activation, etc.

Contact us

If your institution is not connected to Swift yet and you would like to connect to ESMIG, get in touch with your local Swift representative.

If you don't find the information you're looking for or if have any question in the meantime, please contact us at
