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Mexico’s CIBanco adopts Swift’s Compliance Analytics to prevent financial crime

CIBanco becomes the first Latin American bank to harness the power of Swift’s advanced data analytics to detect financial crime

Harnessing AI in the fight against payments fraud

We’re launching two pilots to test the practical application of AI to enhance fraud detection in payments – all in collaboration with our global community.

Innovate or lose out - In Conversation with André Casterman, Swift

Swift recently hosted its annual "Swift for Corporates" User Conference in London.

Quick, easy, predictable: Delivering the payments experience customers expect

We’re working with 25 financial institutions and business application providers to show how Swift capabilities can benefit end customers. It’s part of our commitment to help our community meet customers’ rising expectations and support the G20’s goals for enhanced cross-border payments.

Financial institutions get Swift Smart with eLearning platform

Swift’s innovative eLearning platform expands to include 10 different languages as user base reaches 12,000 strong

RMA and RMA Plus: managing correspondent connections

This Swift paper explains how you can better understand, manage and mitigate operational, compliance and fraud risks in line with industry recommendations

Swift completes landmark DLT PoC

• PoC successfully delivers business functionalities • DLT instance meets governance, security and data privacy requirements • ISO 20022 data model and UETR pivotal to improving Nostro processes • DLT a strategic priority for Swift

Intesa Sanpaolo signs up for Swift’s 3SKey solution

Intesa Sanpaolo to use Swift's 3SKey to provide secured personal digital signatures and strong user authentication to its corporate clients

Swift’s KYC Registry reaches 5,000 user milestone

In the context of Know Your Customer (KYC), banks are working together to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of maintaining KYC data. And Swift’s KYC Registry (The Registry) helps banks share their compliance burden.

Swift GPI: The future of cross-border payments

One year on from Sibos in Singapore and the progress of the global payments innovation (gpi) initiative can now be measured in a series of concrete steps