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SwiftNet Certification Authority (CA)

A Swift central system that produces and publishes digital certificate.

Alliance Connect Gold Guide (SRX)

This guide describes the essential tasks that must be performed to connect the Juniper SRX345 VPN boxes to the SwiftNet Link host and the contracted IP network service. This document is intended for those who are responsible for installing and configuring the Alliance Connect VPN boxes.

Swift Certified Expert – ISO 20022 and CBPR+ phase 1 messages

Swift Certified Expert – ISO 20022 and CBPR+ phase 1 messages

Alliance Connect Silver Plus Guide (SRX)

This guide describes the essential tasks that must be performed to connect the Juniper SRX345 VPN boxes to the SwiftNet Link host and the contracted IP network service. This document is intended for the technical engineers who are responsible for installing and configuring the Alliance Connect VPN boxes.

Alliance Connect Silver Plus Guide (SSG)

This guide describes the essential tasks that must be performed to connect the Juniper SSG VPN box to the SwiftNet Link host and the contracted IP network service. This document is intended for the technical engineers who are responsible for installing and configuring the Alliance Connect SSG VPN boxes.

The CMU promises a joined-up approach to integrating EU capital markets

The Capital Markets Union (CMU) is the latest effort by the European Commission to fulfil its longstanding ambition of creating a single capital market capable of financing growth across the European Union, attracting investment from outside, and – importantly – redressing the structural imbalances within the post-crisis eurozone. It is an ambitious and widely welcomed plan, for a single European capital market has proved remarkably elusive. The willingness of the authors of the CMU to re-visit…

Service bureau registration

This form is to be used by an existing registered Service Bureau or a Shared Connection Provider applying for the Standard Operational Practice certification under the Shared Infrastructure Programme. The form is also used by Shared Connection Providers as they are offering shared connections to unrelated entities and must register under the Programme. In this form, they are also referred to as “Service Bureau”.