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Offshore CNY guidelines for Swift MT and 15022 messages

This document provides guiding principles to help increase STP rates between counterparties by clearly identifying onshore versus offshore CNY transactions in Swift MT and ISO 15022 messages with the use of structured codes.

[ebook] Fighting institutional cyber payments fraud in an evolving payments landscape

This e-book sets out the challenges financial institutions face in protecting themselves against payments fraud, the attack patterns and behaviour profiles we’ve identified through our security programmes, and the tools, practices and working culture institutions should employ to stay secure during times of change or uncertainty.

The future at your fingertips – the European market infrastructure of tomorrow

The market infrastructure of the Eurosystem is working well, but further measures are needed to deepen market integration, increase operational efficiency and address the challenges of new technology. The three priorities identified by the Eurosystem, writes Yves Mersch, a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), are the consolidation of its payments (TARGET2) and securities (T2S) settlement services, the creation of pan-European Instant Payments, and the development of…