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Swift revolutionises Australian banking with real-time payments

Next steps of global instant payments strategy underway in Europe, Asia and the Americas

Swift offers 200,000 EUR for FinTech community to leverage gpi platform

Swift GPI industry challenge fosters collaborative innovation between banks and FinTech companies from around the world

Build the future

1,200 people join the Swift Business Forum London to shape the future of financial services

2016: A pivotal year for Blockchain

Visitors to the Swift Business Forum London 2016 would have been forgiven for experiencing a few Sibos 2015 déjà vu moments – standing room-only Blockchain sessions, “DLT” (distributed ledger technology) speaker references left, right and centre, and a flurry of #Blockchain sound bites punctuating the Twitter dialogue.

Swift message traffic grows 4.4% in Africa

Figures released at Swift’s 26th African Regional Conference show much stronger growth in particular regions, including in West Africa at 29%

Swift message traffic grows 4.4% in Africa

Figures released at Swift’s 26th African Regional Conference show much stronger growth in particular regions, including in West Africa at 29%

Africa payment series – a view from the African Development Bank

Driving growth in Africa – the role of the financial infrastructure in boosting intra-African trade

Swift support for the FX Market – Measuring your FX activity share by instrument

The newly enriched FX data service from Swift uses real transactions to measure activity share and competitive position on an instrument-by-instrument basis.

Africa payment series – a view from Standard Chartered Bank

Renminbi: Africa’s long-term trading currency?

Swift enriches Know Your Customer Registry information with new KYC Adverse Media service

Partnership with Dow Jones provides KYC Registry users with unlimited access to news and regulator content