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Alliance security officer

A predefined operator on an Alliance interface. Any Alliance interface has two Alliance security officers: the left security officer, and the right security officer. The security officer exercises dual control over the configuration and the management of the security functions within Alliance. The Alliance security officer has no operational role whatsoever outside the Alliance environment.

See also left security officer and right security officer.

Related links
Security Officer Guide

left security officer (LSO)

A role that carries joint responsibility with the right security officer for the configuration and the management of the security functions within Alliance products.

Related links
Security Officer Guide

right security officer (RSO)

A role that carries joint responsibility with a left security officer for the configuration and the management of the security functions within Alliance.

Security Officer Guide

Work with Securities Messages - Associate

Understand the basics of the securities industry.Estimated duration: 03:35Pre TestTest your Knowledge of Securities and Swift StandardsIntroduction to Swift StandardsStandardsIntroduction to Standards MTStandards ISO 15022BIC (Business Identifier Code)MyStandardsIntroduction to ISO 20022Introduction to Standards MXIntroduction to SecuritiesFinancial Community and Messaging NeedsIntroduction to the Securities MarketIntroduction to Securities SettlementSecurities Reporting and…

Watch for Securities: BI that gives you the edge

With Watch for Securities monitor key settlement and corporate actions flows. Discover how you can get a consolidated view and granular detail of all your securities flows – and in a single place. Swift Business Intelligence turns data into actionable business insight that will give you the edge.

Swift Certified Application - Securities Settlement

This document explains the criteria required to obtain the Swift Certified Application - Securities Settlement 2017 label for your business application.

Introduction to Swift Securities View

Discover how Swift Securities View lets you track securities transactions to quickly identify any issues and avoid costly settlement fails.

Industry collaboration is necessary for the successful application of blockchain in securities markets

New academic research from the Swift Institute reviews the impact and potential for blockchain in securities settlement

Five additional central securities depositories go live on T2S using Swift

Euroclear’s ESES CSDs, VP SECURITIES and VP LUX complete successful migration to T2S using Swift’s Value Added Network solution

SFTR - The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation

The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) was published January 2016. Its objective is to increase transparency by reducing financial risk from shadow banking activities.

Data: leading the revolution in securities services

New technologies and the role of data explored in part one of our three-part series on the key takeaways from the securities stream at Sibos 2019.

Securities Market Practice Group - Press release

SMPG meeting joins global securities market specialists at the ECB in Frankfurt on the 23-25th of April

Smarter Securities: Transformation through collaboration

Shorter settlement timetables mean the securities services industry must shift from exchanging structured data messages to sharing transactional data. That requires an openness to collaboration. At Swift's recent Smarter Securities events, in Asia, Europe and North America, bankers, brokers and asset managers explained why and how collaboration needs to work.