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service administrator destination

A valid Swift eight-character BIC that Swift assigns to the service administrator. The service administrator destination is used in digital signatures. The service administrator destination can be the same as the primary server destination.

service administrator related participant (SARP)

A Swift user that belongs to the same financial institution as the service administrator. To be considered as part of the same financial institution, Swift must register the service administrator related participant and the service administrator as belonging to the same group of customers for traffic aggregation purposes.

Camt.086 Implementation Guide

Helpful guide for corporate practitioners, vendors, and banks before beginning a BSB implementation. Guide includes links to the standard and resources to guide you.

Directory for Rulebook for Payment Initiation Relay

This online directory provides an overview of the accession, change and termination status of the Forwarding Agent and the Debtor Agent which participate in the ISO 20022 Payment Initiation Relay Rulebook.

2020 Bank BSB Adoption Survey

Calling all banks! Redbridge and the Working Group are facilitating a survey to record BSB adoption and bank capabilities surrounding electronic bank fee reporting. Download and submit the survey today!

2020 Bank BSB Adoption Survey

Calling all banks! Redbridge and the Working Group are facilitating a survey to record BSB adoption and bank capabilities surrounding electronic bank fee reporting. Download and submit the survey today!

Updated high-level information on Standards MT Release 2020

Summary of approved change requests received for SR2020.

eForm for Accession to Rulebook for Payment Initiation Relay

This eForm allows you to accede to the ISO 20022 Payment Initiation Relay Rulebook.

How Corporates can benefit from electronic bank billing and reporting

Automation is key in today’s treasury practice. Improving processes and transparency is crucial because of the multitude and increasing complexity of operations. This case study aims at fostering a sustainable solution that works both for banks and corporates.

Best Practices in Bank Fee Reporting using camt.086 or TWIST

Recommendations from banks, vendors, and corporates who have implemented the BSB for those newly adopting the standard.

Best Practices in Bank Fee Reporting using camt.086 or TWIST

Recommendations from banks, vendors, and corporates who have implemented the BSB for those newly adopting the standard.

Best Practices in Bank Fee Reporting using camt.086 or TWIST

Recommendations from banks, vendors and corporates who have implemented the BSB for those newly adopting the standard.