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Learn the basics

To get started, read the ISO 20022 for dummies e-book, to understand why it matters and how you can benefit from it.

ISO 20022 for dummies

Consult the adoption documentation

We have a series of documents available on the Knowledge Centre to support your adoption efforts. Read the Key documents overview for guidance on how to navigate through that wealth of information.

Get trained (and certified)

Swift learning services are here to help you adopt the new language of payments.

Take an intensive learning programme to build your knowledge of ISO 20022 and CBPR+ with the "Swift Training Your route to ISO 20022 and the CBPR+ guidelines” course.

And understand the key principles of FINplus to adopt ISO 20022 for payments with the "Moving from FIN to FINplus: Fundamentals” course.

Browse catalogue

More help?

We are committed to making this transition as easy as possible for our community and provide consulting services to support you.

To support your operating environment in its adoption of ISO 20022, we have a comprehensive portfolio of flexible and customisable professional services.

ISO 20022 Services