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SwiftNet Registration Authority (RA)

A Swift-registered body that identifies and authenticates an institution and the initial users of the SwiftNet Public Key Infrastructure (for example, an institution's security officer).

Preparing for ISO 20022: Ensuring interoperability

To help you prepare for the move to ISO20022, we are taking a number of initiatives to facilitate interoperability between MT and ISO 20022 messages during the coexistence period.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch joins Swift’s JASDEC Early Adopter Programme

Sibos, Dubai, 16 September 2013 – Swift, the financial messaging provider for more than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries and territories, today announced at Sibos that Bank of America Merrill Lynch has joined its Early Adopter Programme for the Japan Securities Depository Centre (JASDEC), the country’s central securities depository.

Frequently asked questions about Sanctions List Distribution

Swift’s Sanctions List Distribution saves you the work of researching, updating and formatting the most commonly used public sanctions lists. Simply download the formatted and validated lists in XML – we keep them up-to-date and ready

Swift Compatible Application

The Swift Compatible Application programme is available for applications connecting to Swift via Swift Alliance Access for all Swift-related market segments

Swift Innotribe announces the five finalists of its Startup Challenge in Singapore

Brussels, 19 May 2014 - The Innotribe Startup Challenge attendees selected the five finalists from the Asian leg of its annual Startup Challenge to compete at Sibos Boston in October. Ten early-stage startups and five growth-stage innovators delivered compelling pitches to an audience of global innovators and investors, venture capitalists and industry experts. The showcase was held at the National Design Centre on 15 May, in partnership with the Next Bank Asia conference.

Swift testifies before European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

By invitation, Blanche Petre, General Counsel Swift, today testified before the EU Parliament's LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee), together with EU Commissioner Malmström and the Director of Europol Rob Wainwright.

Iran Sanctions Agreement – Update

27 October 2015

Swift advisory on fighting illegal financial activities

Swift advisory

The road ahead for compliance

What’s in store for 2018?

Swift advisory on fighting illegal financial activities

Swift advisory