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Come and visit the SwiftHub during the breaks. At the SwiftHub, you will find Swift experts who can be consulted on a wide range of hot topics.

Swift Customer Security Program Consultation Table

While all Swift customers are individually responsible for the security of their own environments, a concerted, industry-wide effort is required to strengthen end-point security. In May 2016 Swift announced its Customer Security Programme that supports customers in reinforcing the security of their Swift-related infrastructure.

PSF 2018 hosts a table dedicated to CSP related topics, where our experts will demonstrate for you the KYC-SA application and discuss other interesting topics related to the programme.

Knowledge Centre 

In September 2018, Swift launched the Knowledge Centre. The Knowledge Centre is a revamped User Handbook Online that provides a modern and ergonomic way to access information about Swift products and services of Swift.

Future Connectivity Footprint

Chetan Uka, Head of Connectivity & Security, Core Platforms at Swift will host a table at the Consultation Corner to share some insight and collect your feedback on Swift's plan to further evolve the customer footprint.



The PSF 2018 features the Swift Lab, which will allow you to experience Swift’s products and services first hand. It is also a great opportunity to see the ongoing R&D work being carried out by Swift to develop new concepts, products and business models.
