Find a Partner
Looking for a solutions provider? You can find here directories that list the organisations we are collaborating with, across various programmes or initiatives.
Compatible Applications Directory
Find applications that have been designated as Swift compatible. The Swift Compatible Application criteria focuses on interoperability with relevant Swift services and products.
Compatible Interfaces Directory
Find Swift compatible interfaces developed by partners and customers that meet interoperability and security requirements.
Certified Specialists Directory
Find specialists that are tested against a set of criteria that is reviewed yearly to help ensure that certification is aligned with the evolution of Swift services and products, market practices, and Swift community needs.
Platform Partners
Find partners that work with us to build a rich ecosystem based on a multi-sided platform model to unlock value for our community and enhance customer experience.
Business Solutions Providers
Find partners that provide Swift connectivity embedded in their business solutions, via Lite2 or Alliance Cloud, enabling access to our ecosystem, including the full suite of Swift value-added services.
Service Bureau Directory
Provide indirect or shared connectivity to Swift's network under the Shared Infrastructure Programme (SIP), designed to establish and maintain a high level of security and resilience for Service Bureau operations.
CSSP Providers
Find providers in your country that can help with the implementation of the Customer Security Programme's (CSP) mandatory and advisory controls applicable to your connectivity configuration to Swift.
CSP Certified Assessor Directory
Find providers in your region that can help with the assessment of your level of compliance towards the implementation of the Customer Security Programme's (CSP) mandatory and advisory controls applicable to your connectivity configuration to Swift.
These companies have met specific eligibility criteria and employ a minimum of 2 Assessors who have successfully completed the Swift CSP Assessor Certification by passing examination.
Business Partners
Business Partners act on our behalf in selected geographic regions to provide tailored, expert commercial support to specific customer groups in key markets.
ISO 20022 Ready
Find providers that have confirmed and shared their commitment to support the CBPR+ message collection, in addition to the equivalent MTs.