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Portuguese Swift community gathers for the second Business Forum in Lisbon

Portuguese Swift community gathers for the second Business Forum in Lisbon

25 October 2018 | 2 min read

The Business Forum Lisbon which was held on 11 September 2018 attracted over 150 delegates from across the Portuguese financial sector to discuss compliance, technology and innovation as well as the future of the industry

The second edition of the Swift Business Forum Lisbon, which took place at the Pavilhão do Conhecimento on 11 September 2018, brought together over 150 members of the Portuguese financial community. The programme for this event focused on technology, regulation and cybersecurity. 

Juan Carlos Botrán, Head of Swift Iberia and Fernando Rodrigues, Swift User Group Chairperson for Portugal welcomed the delegates and highlighted the great levels of attendance as well as he importance of the event for both Swift and the Portuguese financial community.

Swift Business Forum Lisbon 2018

Referring back to the previous Business Forum, back in 2016, Botrán reminded the audience that while discussions at the time had focused on the changes that were coming up for the financial industry, now that the change has come, it is time for our communities to act fast and to create value: value for our clients, value for our companies, and value for the banking industry as a whole.

He gave two examples of the value that was created together: gpi, which has become the new norm for international payments and the CSP programme, which aims at making the financial ecosystem even more secure.

Read the full event report | Watch the event pictures
