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ISO 20022 in bytes: Adoption and how to prepare

Over 14 high value payment systems have confirmed dates to adopt ISO 20022 in the next 4 years. With cross-border payments starting coexistence with ISO 20022 and Swift MT in November 2022 payments are converging on a consistent and rich data standard. Better quality data in payments will significantly improve customer experience, with faster processing, fewer manual interventions and costs, better remittance information and improved compliance. This is the second edition of “ISO 20022 in…

Update and Q&A to Swift’s 23 June 2006 statement on compliance

Compliance with subpoenas is legal, limited, targeted, protected, audited and overseen

AccessPay and Assembly Payments win Swift’s global gpi industry challenge

Opportunity for collaborative innovation in cross-border payments

64% of corporate treasurers ask for real-time payments tracking

Swift and EuroFinance survey reveals corporate wish list for enhancements in cross-border payments

Swift revolutionises Australian banking with real-time payments

Next steps of global instant payments strategy underway in Europe, Asia and the Americas

Swift offers 200,000 EUR for FinTech community to leverage gpi platform

Swift GPI industry challenge fosters collaborative innovation between banks and FinTech companies from around the world

Build the future

1,200 people join the Swift Business Forum London to shape the future of financial services

2016: A pivotal year for Blockchain

Visitors to the Swift Business Forum London 2016 would have been forgiven for experiencing a few Sibos 2015 déjà vu moments – standing room-only Blockchain sessions, “DLT” (distributed ledger technology) speaker references left, right and centre, and a flurry of #Blockchain sound bites punctuating the Twitter dialogue.

Swift message traffic grows 4.4% in Africa

Figures released at Swift’s 26th African Regional Conference show much stronger growth in particular regions, including in West Africa at 29%

Swift message traffic grows 4.4% in Africa

Figures released at Swift’s 26th African Regional Conference show much stronger growth in particular regions, including in West Africa at 29%