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Swift certification: take your learning to the next level

Join our certification programme to benchmark Swift expertise and build knowledge

ISO 20022: frequently asked questions, answered

We have compiled a list of questions frequently asked about ISO 20022 by members of the Swift community. Indexed by theme, everything you need to know about ISO 20022 can be found here.

Standardised business flows for PMIs

Flawless and automated execution of payments flows for PMIs and their communities

Frequently Asked Questions about Transaction Screening

Frequently Asked Questions about Transaction Screening

Anti-money laundering (AML)

Anti-money laundering (AML) compliance is one of the most costly and challenging issues facing the industry today. We’re working with our community to identify risks, strengthen procedures and improve efficiency.

Skills certification for Swift service bureaux

Sample exam questions for the Swift Service Bureau Skills Certification process.

How to report a security issue or vulnerability to Swift?

At Swift, the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our services are our top priorities. Our dedicated specialists work around-the-clock to optimise and secure our systems.

Answers to your questions about Sanctions List Monitor

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Sanctions List Monitor. You can also download our helpful factsheet.

Your route to ISO 20022 and the CBPR+ guidelines

Swift learning services are here to support you.

Standardised business flows for Payment Market Infrastructures

Flawless and automated execution of payments flows for PMIs and their communities